b'Scheduling: At completion of the Pre-Construction phase, a baseline Project Schedule will be issued outlining our approach on how we will build your project. It will be used as a tool to guide all sequencing, scheduling, and strategic decision making, and will be the reference point for all look ahead work plans for the con-struction phase. Pull Planning sessions will be held with subcontractors who will be working alongside one anotherduringspecificprojectphasesinordertocollaborateandcoordinatetheworkactivities,durationsandsequencingforthemostefficientworkflowandproductivity.WehavefoundthatPullPlanningcreatesaccountability across the construction team which results in expedited project completion. Quality Assurance and Control: Throughout the construction phase of the project, we employ a systematicO U R P O R T F O L I Oquality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) process, employing checklists and Procore tools designed specificallyforQCandQA.Safety: J.W. Design & Construction has created and maintains a company-wide culture of safety that we prideourselveson.OurfieldpersonnelarerequiredtocompleteFirstAid,CPR,andtherigorousOSHA30certification.Monthlycontinuingeducationregardingsafetyareperformedyearround.Wealsoretaina3rdparty safety inspector that regularly visits all project sites. From Pre-Construction planning to building turnover, we have proven processes and tools in place to ensure your project is executed without delayand within budget. We will ensure all projectcomponents are coordinated to ensure all pieces come together seamlessly during construction. We will implement the latest advances in Construction Management and Project Imaging Technologyto control and track all project related items,allowingyoutohaveyourfingersonthepulseof the project at any given stage. In closing, we will continue as we have over the last four decades,to foster longstanding relationships through acollaborative, honest and authentic relationship with your team.Rosetta Building, San Luis Obispo 42,678 sq. ft.10 info@jwdci.com n (805) 544-3130 n jwdci.com'