b'Construction ServicesOur construction approach, corner stoned by the Pre-Construction efforts, is where J.W. Design & Construction will bring your project vision together in seamless execution. We have consistently seen that early involvement and collaboration between the general contractor, design team and client results in streamlined execution of the construction process. By working in parallel with the Project Team during the Pre-Construction phase, the typical issues that cause cost and schedule to creep are all eliminated as the project details have been reviewed, assessed, and remedied. This partnering yields expedited construction durations and higher project quality at a lower overall project cost.Leveraging Technology in ConstructionPROCORE: One of the most powerful tools we leverage to manage the project is the utilization ofProcore Construction Management software. Procore is cutting edge software that provides completeproject visibility to all stakeholders and will be used as the hub for all Project Management related items. Procoreisaninvaluabletoolthatwillensureyourprojectssuccessandwillprovideyouthevisibilityyouneed to make strategic decisions.OpenSpace: In addition to utilizing Procore, we will also use OpenSpace imaging software to provideyou real time 3D visibility to your buildings progress at regular scheduled intervals. This cutting edgetechnology provides the ability to document the project over its construction life-cycle by establishingproject GPS way points that are integrated with the project drawings. Once completed, the 3Dimaging process will provide real time photographic as-builts that are directly correlated and tied tothe project drawings. This is an extremely valuable tool during construction as well as post-construction.All images will be handed over to the client post-construction and can be used for future buildingmaintenance. Progress Documentation: DuringtheconstructionphasewewillutilizeProcoresRFI,Submittal,Inspections,Photos, Drawings, Change Management and Financial tools to provide clients with real-time visibility on the projects overall health. These various tools create a story of the project from ground-breaking through closeout. At project completion, clients will receive a complete project closeout package including, warran-ties, operations and maintenance manuals, as-built plans, and project photos.Hotel San Luis ConstructionAirpark Center Building A & DCCA Cement Pour for Hotel San Luis Obispo, San Luis ObispoTI, Sana Maria 25,600 sq. ft.info@jwdci.com n (805) 544-3130 n jwdci.com 9'